A Bright New Year of Savings with DC Solar for All

I love the promise that comes with each new year. For me, the new year is an opportunity to look toward a brilliant future, where everyone can save money thanks to the power of the sun and subscribers like you.

DC Solar for All was created by Mayor Muriel Bowser to make it easy for everyone in the District to receive the savings and benefits of clean energy. As a DC Solar for All subscriber, you support clean energy while saving up to $500 a year. You are also part of the reason why more than 5,000 of our DC neighbors now have access to clean energy savings. That’s a big deal, and we are just getting started. Thousands of new subscriptions will become available this year, so if you know someone who would like to save up to $500 a year on their electric bill, encourage them to call my friends on the Solar for All hotline at (202) 299-5271.

I also enjoy looking for other ways to save and sharing the things that have helped me with friends. For example, now that I spend more time at home, I see the impact of little habit changes on my electric bill more than ever. Simple things like turning off the lights when leaving a room and unplugging my computer, toaster, and other small appliances when I finish using them help me save. The day I learned that unplugging appliances that aren’t in use can result in savings of up to $200 a year was the last day I left my computer plugged in overnight. Plus, I get to feel good about helping the environment by using less energy. It’s a win-win.

What do you do to save money and energy? What do you do with your Solar for All savings? Reply to this email for a chance to be featured in this newsletter later this year. I can’t wait to hear from you.