How to Explain Community Solar to Anyone

When I began working at Groundswell, it took some time for me to really grasp what community solar was and the full scope of how DC Solar for All impacts the entire community where we live and work. Because I was tasked with the mighty responsibility of educating community members about the program, I had to learn fast. Fortunately, I have a great team of supportive co-workers who are passionate about what DC Solar for All can do and could each talk for hours about the social, environmental, and economic benefits of the program.

Unfortunately, many DC residents know very little about the program, and the majority of DC households who qualify for DC Solar For All don’t know enough about the program to even consider participating. When I  think about how many free community solar subscriptions are now available across the District, I want to shout from the mountain tops about this opportunity to relieve high energy burdens.

As a subscriber of the program, you probably already understand how community solar works, and you see how it directly impacts your Pepco bill each month. Like me, you may also realize that understanding how it works is one thing, but explaining the program and its benefits to your friends and neighbors can be challenging.

As a subscriber, your participation is already helping to make the District a cleaner community to live and work in, and if I had to guess, I would bet that you know someone who would also like to make DC a better place every time they flip their light switch. Many of our friends and neighbors are just one conversation away from saving on their electricity bills while making our community a better place with clean energy. 

Today, I’m inviting you to talk to three (3) people about community solar and let them know why you choose to participate in DC Solar For All.

To help guide you in the conversation, here are some helpful tips to help anyone understand what community solar is:

  • DC Solar for All subscribers saves up to $500 a year on their electricity bills.
  • There are currently 166 Solar for All community solar sites across Washington, D.C.
  • These solar panels are located in your community and collect energy from the sun. The electricity generated by these solar panels is used instead of energy generated by other dirty fuels, and you receive credits on your Pepco bill for your participation.
  • Anyone who lives in DC whose household income is less than 80% of the area median income (that’s $79,700 for a single-person household) can subscribe for free.
  • DC Solar for All has also made possible the creation of numerous solar jobs in the District. 

Also, feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone who you know who may be interested in saving up to 50% of their annual electricity bill while making a difference by applying online here.  For any questions or for assistance with an application, please reach out to the Solar for All hotline at  (202) 299-5271.

Now, it is more important than ever to spread the word about community solar projects in Washington, DC. We are grateful for your help, and we look forward to serving you and those you care about with electricity bill savings for years to come. We are sure once your friends see how much they can save on their electricity bills with community solar, they will want to thank you too.