Energy Futures 2023

Groundswell 2023


Join industry and nonprofit leaders in the development of community solar serving low and moderate-income (LMI) households for a discussion about proven strategies for promoting equity with solar program design, project implementation, and evaluation. Panelists will also discuss practical recommendations for working with frontline communities.

Equitable solar projects that serve LMI households are critical for the just energy transition movement – to enhance access and improve transparency, including ownership and accountability, and move communities towards a more resilient future. However, not many households benefit from programs designed to reduce economic hardships – given that LMI communities experience disparate access to residential energy-savings programs – and there are few metrics to measure how well programs have delivered on their equity goals through community solar projects.

On August 28, 2023, experts from Groundswell and the Department of Energy's National Community Solar Partnership shared insights on how to use community solar as a tool to promote energy equity. Panelists discussed frameworks for program design and implementation to develop effective solutions to mitigate equity challenges with community solar.

Join us for Energy Futures: 2023: Developing A Roadmap to Energy Equity with Community Solar for an in-depth discussion about program design and implementation frameworks, using community solar to develop custom roadmap models to address equity barriers within our communities.